Tuesday, July 28, 2009


You were crazy like me,
You feared like me, 
You loved like me,
And you escaped like me.

Now you are buried under fake grass.

I have your baseball glove and your smoking jacket. 
I have your death pills in a box.
I only take them to hate them even more.
Your ashtray is giving me cancer, but the yellow stain you had on your finger makes it seem okay.

Now you are surrounded by stupid flowers.

Your disorders haunt me like ghosts with unfinished business.
Obsessive, scheduled, evasive, insomniatic, and gullible. 
The adjectives that gave us a reason to believe. 
YOU believed it, but I never will.

Now your children call someone else dad.


We all have a complex that affects our behavior. The problem with a complex is that it is defined as an unconscious association. Let's change the problem. The mirror is only a reflection, the opinions of others are only stepping stones, our tragedies are only worksheets, and death is only an occurrence. This unconscious association can become conscious if we choose it to be.

Live within your complex, not dominated by it. 

I'm not good with titles so I rarely ever use them.

We must be productive.
We must be productive.

If we fail to be productive the drifters and non-thinkers will find us. The power of Christianity will brainwash us. The persuasion of the infomercial will buy us. The government will turn us into robots. Washing your clothes and paying your bills are not what defines productive. Thinking about others, having morals, educating yourself, seeing the world, and questioning all aspects of life are the true concepts of being productive. 

I would rather die equivocal and gratified than eyeless and foolish.

We must be productive. 
We must be productive.